Wellness is Waiting for You

Today, we are celebrating my daughter's 10th birthday! It's so amazing, albeit clumsy, to be able to witness and impact the way she experiences life as she grows. Because of the nature of the work I do, I am hyper-sensitive to the opportunities to teach her and give her chances to find out what's best for her. That's equally hard and exciting. I'm also hyper-sensitive to the plethora of influences in our world that could impact the way she chooses. That's scary. I am constantly self-assessing to not put my own needs on her, and praying that I guide her with the right information, tools and unconditional love as she finds her way. I find myself realizing that what I want for her, as she grows, is also what I want for you. I believe we can all have the best wellness and life experience. Even when bad things happen, we can move through them without falling apart or losing ourselves- body, mind, or spirit. Even when we make a choice that isn't in our best interests, we can bounce back faster, learn with grace, and grow into our true potential.

I wrote the “about” information for The Worthy Wellness project this morning as I was waiting for that newly-10 year old to wake up. I don't think I can share the message more effectively than a simple copy-paste… so here you go:

YOU are uniquely, purposefully created, and are not JUST like anyone other person on this planet. You are not less or more than anyone else and you deserve the wellness you desire as much as any other human being.

You are worthy of your wellness project. A 'project' because WELLNESS encompasses a vast continuum of different facets of our living experience- mental, physical, spiritual- that we come to understand and support through the process of LIVING it out. That's the key... actually committing to LIVING the process out is what helps us gain clarity, understanding, compassion and acceptance for ourselves- ultimately helping us create our very own unique wellness blueprint!

We spend tons of money and energy on diet and fitness programs but our results never last because they aren't designed BY us FOR us. The science of these programs is most likely sound and effective... but until we personalize it, the changes won't be sustainable.

We now have permission to slow down and release the urgency to look or feel a certain way. You are enough right now... even if you want to lose weight, even if you think you should exercise more, even if you feel like life is confusing and chaotic. We can trust ourselves to be present and honor who we are, with confidence that the outcome will be more than we can imagine.

When we SLOW DOWN, we can absorb TRUE information about our bodies and food, address our mindsets, and consider our core desires. Together, these things help us reset our choices. The WWP allows you to embark on a daily adventure of learning, experimenting, evaluating, and creating what works for you!

When we commit to this project, we also commit to learning and believing;

  • weight loss and physical performance do not define worth- mental and spiritual wellbeing are AS essential as your physical health

  • relationships are paramount in wellness; to self, to body, to others- the brain holds the power of our minds, and we have the ability to manage our minds

  • food, what we eat, provides the information that creates our physical ability, our mental state, and our daily experience of living

  • when we learn the truth, we can experiment and integrate it into our lives in unique ways to experience the wellness we desire

  • the body was designed to move and healthy movement looks different for each of us throughout our lives

  • when we access our power to align behavior with core desires, our body changes as a result

  • simple, consistent action creates long-term, monumental change

Let's do this project together. Let's commit to honesty, integrity, accountability, and create the best wellness we've ever experienced! The rest of your life is waiting! Learn more about the Worthy Wellness Project and what you'll get with your membership by clicking below. I am excited to support you as we embark on a new year together… here's to 2022 and beyond!


Trick or Treat


Goal Setting + Doing It Differently in 2022