Sharing some gratitude with you

I used to say Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday. Now I think I'm basically a fan of anything that has actual meaning. Meaning that cannot be destroyed by marketing or some sort of consumable substance that distracts us from the reality of why we are honoring a day on the calendar. So, I love Thanksgiving (and all the other days, too!) because

no matter how stressful or food-centered society wants to make it, we cannot deny that the entire country (and parts of the world) is recognizing THANKFULNESS as a virtue and an essential way of living.

This year, as I reflect on specific things I am grateful for, I am particularly thankful for the way I get to spend my time. How we spend our time is the experience we have in life- whether satisfactory or not, the time we keep creates our memories, understandings, and feeds our thoughts about what's next. Reflecting on Thanksgivings' past, I am caught grateful for the way I get to experience both my own and others integrated wellness as we prepare for the holiday. What I mean is…

Some of my unique passions involve

- food and nutrition, how it works in the body,

- exercise and why it's not all about a physical aesthetic, although that can be a byproduct,

- the literal connectivity between our minds and bodies that causes a reciprocal relationship between the two- they are both impacted by and impacting of one another,

- the experience of being human- thoughts, feelings and behaviors, as well as the 4th dimension of being spiritual.

All of the above, when integrated (working together according to design and desire), is the full operation of what we may consider WELLNESS. Our bioindividuality + spiritual uniqueness mean that there will NEVER be a one size fits all approach to wellness, and as my career years have passed, I found myself standing in the gap. The gap is where the work is… sometimes its hard, but it is always rewarding! And so I am thankful to be in that gap.

I am humbled today, as I review the list of what I get to do on a regular basis with all kinds of people. That list includes things like talk therapy, nutrition planning for physical and mental wellness, fitness & marathon training, EMDR and trauma work, boundary work, personal & business growth, spiritual development, mindfulness and lifestyle wellness. Getting to connect with people in the most vulnerable areas of their lives has enriched my own life beyond my expectations. And I just want to reiterate this one thing… one thing that always seems to be true no matter what capacity I am working with someone in;

Whether I am starting to work with someone by teaching macronutrient-function in the body or if we are diving all in and identifying limiting thought and behavior patterns, I find that everyone needs this reminder;

We are all worthy of what we desire- to feel like we matter, to like who we are, and to know we are here on purpose.

This Thanksgiving, I want to remind you that what looks like a weight loss goal or a desire to be more productive in your day is really a call to integrate all parts of your very worthy self! it's never about what it appears to be about! I am grateful to have the opportunity to continue creating ways to work with you in your Worthy Wellness, and I'll be sharing more about the Worthy Wellness Project in the next couple of weeks.

For now, if you're interested in a community where honest education, effective action, and unconditional self-acceptance are the core values, click the button below to let me know! ⬇️


What we’re seeking that's not weight loss


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