Is it your personality or is it a pattern?

It really is the little things that count.

We’ve probably all heard that quote- “do the little things well and the big things take care of themselves.”  But, that’s the problem with quotes we hear often, whether it’s in the scroll or in a fitness class or on a podcast- it’s rolling around in our consciousness and subconscious without getting applied.  There is SO much info out there and we are fielding stimulus and content all day every day.  

It’s overwhelming.  When people get overwhelmed, we lean into strong tendency’s to either run, avoid, or isolate so that we don’t have to deal with the overwhelming things!  Many of us attribute these behaviors to our personality, if we are even aware of it at all.  But I’d like to introduce a concept that may feel Free-ing to you today:

Is it your personality … or is it a pattern?  

Let’s get nerdy. 

Every single habit you have- thought habits, behavior habits, food habits, relationship habits, emotional habits, etc., is formed because of a strong pattern of connected neurons that form a neural network. 

Once a neural pathway is formed...say for something like, going for that sweet treat after our lunch or dinner… it becomes almost automatic.  It’s not, but it feels that way and that’s why we often say things like, “I can’t help it!” 

The problem with neural pathways is that you really cannot destroy them.  You have to form other neural pathways that become STRONGER and overtake the previous one.  This is a whole process of mind-body-spirit growth that I work with so many of my clients on… it requires patience, focus and belief in self.  Which is why it’s often done best WITH a coach.  

What I really wanted to share with you today is that when things feel BIG- overwhelming and/or unattainable- we have to step back and identify the small actions that will support the bigger picture, whether that is reducing overwhelm or achieving a big goal.  

When we’re living our day, moment to moment, it’s going to matter what we’re focused on.  If we continually look OUT THERE at that big thing, the little actions are going to feel unnecessary or useless.  Ever said, “I cannot stop and make that list right now, I have too much to do!”  Or maybe you’ve thought, “ … ”

The point is, it’s the little things on repeat that are creating the new neural pathway!  This WILL lead to a new pattern, a new habit, and compound over time for new results!  It’s brain science, and it’s how human behavior works.  When we know this, we can get in the driver’s seat and start making TINY changes that feel somewhat feasible in our crazy lives.  Some of my favorite tiny changes to suggest include:

  • Drink a glass of water upon waking, before that cup of coffee!

  • Go for a 20-minute walk as many days as possible- whether you exercise or not!

  • List 3 things you are grateful for before you leave your house in the morning! 

These may seem small and a bit Pollyanna-positivity when isolated, but when done day after day, after day, neural networks that are formed that create a life which respectively promotes:

  • Cellular cleansing and mobility first thing in the morning

  • Improved mental and physical health, and improved immune function

  • Abundance and gratitude, more opportunities and more effective stress management. 

Small things work together to make big things. Little hinges swing big doors. When the big things feel too big or seem too hard, do the little things with heart, and the big things will happen by default!  

I hope this has encouraged you today.  I also hope that you’ll consider staying tuned for what’s coming in 2022 for Awarding Life.  I’m working on the next level of the group coaching program and it’s taking a turn that will empower and uplift you- in the little things FOR the big things.


Your Most Important Habit


Keeping Our Kids Healthy: Immune System Support