I truly believe that personal wellness is how we change the world.



So, today is going to be simple but complex.  I love a good paradox!  We are existing in a very contradicting time, but we have the power to be honest in our own lives and align our actions to match our desires!   


What am I talking about?  Two days before the biggest candy holiday on the calendar, I'm pointing out that much of our country is sick or dealing with unpleasant health symptoms- mind and body, but we're simultaneously promoting over indulgence of substances that can barely be called food. And I'm not glossing over the mental health aspect, either. But compartmentalizing mental health as a separate issue from physical health doesn't do us any favors… they are directly and dynamically interconnected. Current statistics show that roughly 40% of our country is in an “obese” category, and as a culture we're hyper focused on preventing illness from COVID-19 and other seasonal virus.  Yet, we're simultaneously catapulting into the biggest candy, pie, cookie and alcohol holidays of the year as though they won't contribute to these problems.  




I have good news for you today, though.  You are not the problem, and you can stop participating in the problem as soon as you start working on that habit I shared with you- the very most important habit of building a relationship with yourself! 


Because, until we are ok with ourselves when we are by ourselves, we won't make effective changes in our bodies, lives, or world.  When we stop covering up, escaping from, or distracting from ourselves, we can come to know, love and accept who God made us to be and step more fully into who that person is.  Only then are we going to have the impact we desire to have.  Only then are we going to feel the peace and satisfaction that we long for.  Only then are we going to get excited about what's next for us on this amazing journey of life.  


I truly believe that personal wellness is how we change the world.  On a spiritual level we will begin to treat others with the compassion, understanding and acceptance that we offer ourselves.  The energy that we contribute and leave behind comes from the energy that we keep and generate within.  On a more behavioral and physical level, we will begin to honor the bodies we live in with actions that reflect self-love and respect.  Wouldn't that change the way things look for us and to us!?


Speaking of self-respect… it's the same as we tell our kids- Earned. We have to spend time getting to know and understand ourselves before we can help ourselves grow and change. We cannot bully ourselves into submission, and will-power alone will not be the answer. Cultivating a relationship with yourself is the way you gain wisdom and confidence about what's good for you and what's not so good for you. Yes it's a time investment and we don't often see the changes in flashy lights, overnight. But the change does occur… so much so that one day you really do look back and wonder when things shifted. The subtle, life altering changes are REAL.

Maybe you start this journey as we embark on Halloween weekend by choosing to nourish your body instead of insult it with an excess of nutrient-void product. Maybe you consider the ideas I've been sharing with you and wonder how life would feel different if you came from a place of internal regard instead of external reward.

And practically speaking, it's not too late to do things differently! We can celebrate and enjoy life and one another without damaging our beautiful bodies. This isn't about size or standards. This is about recognizing where things don't line up and making a change instead of going with the flow. Last week in the Awarding Life Group Coaching Program, I shared some great ideas for candy swaps. My current favorite is the UNREAL brand and we keep their dark chocolate almond butter cups around throughout the year! I just keep them in my Thrive Market order and they show up on my doorstep every couple of months or so! Thrive Market is an amazing way to do things differently in a way that serves you, your budget, and others and we've been using and recommending them for years! Speaking of self-respect… it's the same as we tell our kids- Earned. We have to spend time getting to know and understand ourselves before we can help ourselves grow and change. We cannot bully ourselves into submission, and will-power alone will not be the answer. Cultivating a relationship with yourself is the way you gain wisdom and confidence about what's good for you and what's not so good for you. Yes it's a time investment and we don't often see the changes in flashy lights, overnight. But the change does occur… so much so that one day you really do look back and wonder when things shifted. The subtle, life altering changes are REAL.

Maybe you start this journey as we embark on Halloween weekend by choosing to nourish your body instead of insult it with an excess of nutrient-void product. Maybe you consider the ideas I've been sharing with you and wonder how life would feel different if you came from a place of internal regard instead of external reward.

And practically speaking, it's not too late to do things differently! We can celebrate and enjoy life and one another without damaging our beautiful bodies. This isn't about size or standards. This is about recognizing where things don't line up and making a change instead of going with the flow. Last week in the Awarding Life Group Coaching Program, I shared some great ideas for candy swaps. My current favorite is the UNREAL brand and we keep their dark chocolate almond butter cups around throughout the year! I just keep them in my Thrive Market order and they show up on my doorstep every couple of months or so! Thrive Market is an amazing way to do things differently in a way that serves you, your budget, and others and we've been using and recommending them for years! Check it out!


6 things I wish you knew and believed about yourself


A Little Boston and a Little Self Love